New Song Community Choir enhances the well-being of older adults by providing
a supportive, nurturing environment enabling them to share their love of music
while building meaningful relationships and serving the community.
New Song is a great place to build community with:
50+ Senior adults
Music loving friends (no experience required)
Encouraging folks from various walks of life
People of varied denominations
People who like to reach the community with the gift of music
“A compelling body of research demonstrates that music continues to offer
powerful potential for enhancing health and well-being in old age. Active music-
making has been found to provide a source of enhanced social cohesion,
enjoyment, personal development, and empowerment, and to contribute to
recovery from depression and maintenance of personal well-being throughout
these latter stages of adult life.”
--Creech, Andrea. “The Power of Music in the Lives of Older Adults.”
Research Studies in Music Education. June, 2013.